Thursday, May 5, 2011

EOC Week 5: Sony Sleuths - Marketing

Sony has found itself into a tight bind after not getting their system hacked once but twice. This has definitely become an issue for them. After getting hacked the first time, Sony decided to take their system offline and reported the system had been hacked and that some customers “personal information like email and physical addresses, birth dates, and credit card number and expiration date may have been obtained.” ( This is a big problem for Sony, being that over 70 million user accounts may have been hacked.
            If this wasn’t a big enough problem, the system was hacked a second time where over 24 million user accounts may have been hacked. Sony has tried to assure customers that this second hack was not a big deal because the information was from an “outdated database from 2007.” ( With many new hit games coming up for Playstation 3, Sony could have a lot of angrier people to deal with. They will have to find some way to have gamers play on their network again once it is back online. I think if they were to credit every user account that may have been hacked with something so that users can purchase something from Sony's Playstation 3, online store. This will entice players to come back sooner, and help gamers feel more open to Sony again.

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